Ultis Pro: Changing the World One Person At a Time
Ultis Pro is a powerful and profound vision that is changing lives and bridging the gap between the rich and poor through investment assistant. “All of my successes helped me realize that anything is possible,” states Ultis Pro CEO Suzannah Dacre when speaking on the business’ origins, “I started looking at the real world and realized that people can achieve things, they’re just lacking opportunity and they are lacking support. So, we decided we are going to put all of our power into a purpose; helping people. Not by giving hand-outs but a hand up.”
All you need to get started with Ultis Pro is a want or need to improve your life, your business or both and Ultis Pro will handle the rest. “People used the say the biggest challenge when investing was that you needed to have money to start with and we overcame that,” said Dacre.
Ultis International
An Australian-based company, Ultis Pro are quickly tapping into global markets, “Due to our impact in Australia, we had quite a few people trying to contact us and we even had some stories from the US and all over the world,” the Aussie native states, and with that, Suzannah decided to come to the United States and help spread her vision. “The first place I visited when I got to Los Angeles was Skid Row and talk to a few of the residents there.”
Suzannah has also visited villages in India with her daughter, where she’s helping her spread the message, “If there is anyone that didn’t have a winter coat or couldn’t afford school supplies, my six-year-old daughter would give them my number and say ‘just call my mom. She also buys them breakfast or whatever they may need and she’s not shy about it.”
Ultis Pro’s goal is to get rid of the excuses or the mountains and challenges that people face in business, life, and investment. With a 100% success rate, they’ve dealt with many different people with many different walks of life. “We work with the rich and ultimately through that success we drive that funding through the backend to work with the poor or those that are lacking opportunity,” Dacre explains, stating it just comes down to wanting to do something enough, having the support and acting on it.
Pay it Forward
“The thank-yous never get old and I love them all,” Suzannah says, “The biggest thank-you is to see the success of people that we work with and their desire to pay it forward showing how amazing the vision truly is. It really means a lot to me”
Visit Ultis Pro’s website for more information